Saturday, June 5, 2010

Loooong post, cause its been so long!

Its been so long that I don't even know where to start! So I guess I will start at the 1st of May, I don't think anything exciting happened! We did have mothers day and Ray and Alvin got me a pair of pajama's and a picture frame that says "mommy & me" for this picture...

Then the following weekend I took a VERY unexpected trip to see my mom. She was admitted to the hospital and was not doing very good, so my sister Stacy that lives in Kentucky and I flew down (we almost missed our 1st flight, I'm talking "almost" like, running though Indianapolis airport with no shoe's on to get to our gate kind of almost. The things we do for our families, cause I DONT RUN!) to spend some time with her. She had a great week while we were there, we went up to my other sister's house for dinner one night and stopped by Tropicana Field so I could get Ray a Tampa Bay Rays t-shirt, we went to lunch at the "Beach House" one afternoon. We all laughed and laughed all week. It was great to see her doing so well. But she wasn't doing good the day we left but we thought she was just sad to see us go because she had been doing so good. Well since then she hasn't had any good days. We are concerned with her again, she says the days are not good for her but the evenings are better. She had another cat scan done this past week and will get the results of those this week. I think she is getting very frustrated that she isn't getting any better after 18 months or so of treatment. Which I cant say that I blame her, because she really isn't ANY better! So please say a little prayer for my family, this is so hard on everyone but especially my dad. He has been so so so wonderful though all of this, I'm sure it is very hard on him to see the love of his life suffer like this.
Ray, Alvin and I are taking a trip to see them the end of this month. So that will hopefully give them something to look forward to.
Then last weekend, my sister Stacy and her family came up again because my nephew graduated from high school. That really shouldn't be possible! I remember him being in a pumpkin seat the night Alvin and I were married! I was going to scan a picture of him then but our scanner is broken! But here he is on his big day! I'm so proud of him!

Then after his graduation we went back to their house for the party. We had a very nice time. It ended up being a great day...
The party was "beached" themed, so they had a couple of beach balls that were a big hit!

One of their trees was dressed up and Ray had to touch her "coconut"

I just really like this one!

Ray was trying desperately to get a way from his cousins Zach and Evan, he was fine with them as long as they weren't touching or trying to hold him!

Then last Sunday after my family left we went over to Steve and Dawns for a cook out and fireworks show. I didn't get many pictures except for these..
Playin with Bubbles..

This one cracks me up, Alvin put on one of Brandon's birthday presents. Who knew my husband was a transformer?

I think that brings us up to date! I really feel like I am forgetting something, its been a busy end of the month. Here are some more pictures from this month..
Blowing bubbles..

Daddy and Ray in the front yard..Love it!

Me and my Kayla D. I just love her and have so much fun with her! She is something else, let me tell you...

I think that raps it up for now! I hope everyone is doing really good, I will try and not stay away so long next time!
Bye for now!!!

1 comment:

Jamie said...

Thank you so much for finally posting! Geez our office sucks at blogging these days. LOL.