Sunday, August 16, 2009

Busy weekend!

Friday night we baby sat for Jess and Brandon, they were very good for us. We took them to Splash Island, I think they really enjoyed themselves, I was a nervous wreck, trying to watch 2 kids that are not mine in a very very busy pool!! They did what there parents and what we told them to do. Of course I forgot my camera so I didn't get any pictures while we were at the pool, but here are a few of the 3 of them when we got back..

Then on Saturday we went and surprised my mom and dad, they flew into Indianapolis then headed to Kentucky to see my sister. They will be back here next Saturday, but I couldn't have them that close to me and not see them! Oh, was it so so good to see them!!! Ray went to my dad pretty good...
A couple of Ray waiting at the airport....

It was also Alvin's and my 17 year anniversary! That's a long time! But these 17 years have been wonderful! He is a great partner and cant wait to see what the next 17 years brings us. Here are a couple of pictures from the big day..I'm sure you all will laugh at thse pictures..

Then after alot of thought, I went to a bachlorrete party, a girl I work with Dana is getting married on September 12Th. I wanted to go but I thought I should stay home because it was our anniversary. So after talking to Alvin he said he wanted me to go and have a good time! The girls went out dinner and I just met up with them after dinner for the "fun" part,(they went to a sushi place, and nothing about sushi excites me)I had alot of fun dancing, even though I cant dance but I have so much fun doing it! Dana (the bride) didn't feel well, I felt bad for her, I cant wait to talk to her and find out how the rest of the night went!
Then today we really didn't do anything, except take this picture...

Do I have a boy or what? Running around with his butt crack showing and a stick? What is that boy thinkin? It was really cute! I hope you all have a good week!!
Bye for now!!!

1 comment:

Dawn said...

Jeez Shanny, your blog posts are so much more interesting than mine. Can I hire you? Love that you surprised your parents, can't wait to hear about it. And I especially love the buttcrack pic -- great shot!