Saturday, January 10, 2009

Sad News!

I found out Friday night that my mom has cancer! We don't know much yet, we will know more today. For those of you that don't know my mom had Breast Cancer about 6 years ago. But this cancer is different. It is in the bones of her spine. Her back has been bother her very bad for a little over a month now, and after seeing the Dr and medicine it hasn't gotten any better. So my very dear sister-in-law Sheryl made her an appointment for an MRI and that's what it showed. I am so thankful to Sheryl for this. She has been a blessing to our family and she cares very deeply for my mom and dad!
I am so scared. I was scared the last time but this time is very different. If there is any hope in this, it is that this was caused by her Breast Cancer. Hopefully it didn't just start on its own. That will be worse. What she has is called Metastatic Bone Disease. I am so sad! I am not ready to go down this road, and them being so far away doesn't help. My mom sounds OK but I know that she is worried about herself and her family, but right now she needs to concentrate on getting better. I want her to get better but I am sad for everything she has to go through. I'm scared for my Dad, he is already heart broken and if something major happens, I don't know what he'll do! I'm sad for my sister Amy that has to see everything daily, but at the same time I'm glad my parents aren't alone.
I will try and post what we find out. So Please say a prayer for my mom and for my family, we could use them!

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