Thursday, September 3, 2009

It's a bird, a plane it's.....


Got my eyes on the prey...
I got you now...
Pinned! you cant go any ware with my strength..
If your not careful lady with the camera, I'll get you to with my LASER EYES..
I will get you with my SUPER GAS....
Super Ray getting into trouble...
Taking a little rest...
You can all rest easy knowing that SUPER RAY is on the case.

Oh and by the way, yesterday's post was my 100TH post, and it ONLY (ha ha) took me 11months!

Bye for now!!!


Holly said...

I got him those pjs for his birthday!!!

Shannon said...

Yeah Holly I had to cut off about 4inches from the pants, but he's almost out grown the shirt!

Danny and Dana said...

Can you have super Ray keep an eye on my house, and keep out intruders!?