Monday, February 2, 2009

Busy week

Hi! It has been a very busy week/weekend! First of all I was suppose to go back to work last Tuesday, but Alvin's Grandma's Funeral was that day, it was a very nice service (at least the part I was there for) I took Ray out of the room because I felt he was being to loud. I'm sure it wasn't as bad as I thought, but he just seemed so loud! I wanted to be with Alvin so bad. I looked though the window in the door and he was sitting down there with his head down, I felt so sorry for him, I wanted to be able to comfort him! So when they played a song Ray and I went back in and sat with him and then the service was over! I was glad I was there for him when he said his "last goodbye". Then at the graveside service I wanted to go with him, but I didn't want to leave Ray in the van all alone, so Rhea said she would stay with Ray so I could be with Alvin. "Thank you Rhea". I would have left Ray with a babysitter but everyone that watches him was there with us or working. He was so sick that I didn't want to ask the lady next door to watch him because he would have gotten all her daycare kids sick! After the funeral we all went over to Steve and Dawns house, that was nice we had lunch and all talked about our memory's of Grandma, she was a funny lady! While we were over their the "BIG" snow started. We ended up with 12.5 inches of snow between Tuesday afternoon and Wednesday morning. So guess what that meant "no work for me on Wednesday either" I was beginning to think I wasn't suppose to go back to work. So Ray and I hung out on Wednesday. Finally on Thursday I was back to work and all was normal! The girls really made me feel that they were happy I was back and that makes me feel good!
We got a visit from my sister Stacy and her family this weekend. They live in western Kentucky and they had been without power since Tuesday. I guess the same storm we had got them but with all ICE! Thankfully they haven't "officially" sold their other house that has gas heat, so they were able to go there and stay warm. But they were running out of clean clothes. So They packed up and came to Indy for the weekend. They were all so happy to sleep in a "real" bed instead of the cots they have been in for almost a week, also so happy to watch TV. It sounds very scary down there. They showed me pictures and video and it is just awful! Before they left here Sunday, their neighbor called and said they had power at their house, but they called again and said it had gone back off, then back on again! That would be awful, not knowing if the power was going to stay on. I think they are going to try to be more prepared for something like this in the future. It made me realize that I'm not at all prepared. We don't have an emergency kit or anything like that. I think I'm one of these people that think "it wont happen to me", but it can, the area they live in is only about 5 hours away. My sister and her family realized very fast that it can happen to you and I'm going to try and learn from them. It will be awhile before life is back to "normal" for them, they are welcome to our house anytime they need!
Anyway, it was great to see them, I told my mom that I love to see my family but not under the circumstances that I've been seeing them. Here is such a cute picture of Evan, Kayla and Ray,

Here are a couple of pictures that I think are kinda funny, we have all been sick especially Ray, so these pictures are so out of the ordinary, we never sleep with Ray,Ray is feeling better, his nose isn't such "a mess" and I'm sooo glad cause he hates having it wiped, it got pretty "raw" this time, but I found (at wal-mart) these things called "Boogie Wipes" they are a wipe that is wet with saline and other moisturizers. They really seemed to help, he still didn't like it, but for the soreness and getting the dried boogers off it helped. I said that I might get them for us also. LOL

I hope everyone is good, be safe!

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