Thursday, March 5, 2009

Happy Birthday Daddy!

Today is Alvin's birthday, and he was off work and got to spend the day with Ray (that rhymes). Anyway, it was a great day, it was almost 70 degree's here, so they played outside. I guess Ray wasn't to happy to come inside! They also came up to see me at work. I love it when he comes to work so I can show him off. I have to say it was so hard to be at work knowing that they were home together (and that it was 70 outside) and I wasn't with them. But its good for them to spend time alone. Alvin took some pictures of Ray outside, so I will post them when I get them loaded on to the computer.
Tomorrow we are going to have Ray's 1 year pictures done, and we are going to take a family picture also. I wish I were thinner for it, but oh well, I will regret it later if we don't get one just because of my weight. So wish us luck that we get some good one's. Ray's personality is alot different than it was when we had his 3 month pictures done.
I talked to my dad tonight and they met with the oncologist today and had blood work done to see if she is ready for her next dose of chemo. She is ready for it so that will be done on Monday. They also talked to the Dr. about why she is so so so tired and pretty much "lifeless", he said it was because she had such a large dose of chemo the 1st time. She is dehydrated so they put something in her port to help that, they said she should start feeling better by Sunday. My dad said she is so weak that he has to help her get on/off the toilet (more info than you needed?) he said she is just in bad shape right now, but that will change (hopefully) by the end of the weekend. He also said that her hair is thinning, I didn't ask, but I didn't think she was suppose to lose her hair with this chemo, so I am going to have to find out about that. I didn't even talk to her today, I will hopefully talk to her tomorrow.
I think thats all for now, Bye for now!

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