Thursday, March 5, 2009


Hello everybody! Ray is feeling better, he is eating and sleeping better. Me on the other hand, I don't feel so good. I definitely got this nasty cold, my throat is killing me, my head hurt and my nose is stuffy. (I think I'm done with the whining) Anyway, I made our appointment to get Rays 1 year pictures done on Saturday. I am hoping Alvin will agree to have a family picture done.
I keep think of how my life was last year at this time, how excited and nervous I was, ready to be off bed rest. (what I would give to be on "bed rest" now) Tomorrow is Alvin's birthday and him and Ray are spending the day together, and we are suppose to have GREAT weather. I hope they have a good time, but I am a little jealous, but I have to remember I have gotten alot of "one on one" time with Ray.
I have been talking to my mom and she is very depressed. She really doesn't have much pain anymore, but she doesnt feel good, and no one can really give her a reason why. I am very worried about her and my dad. They just need for my mom to feel good and be able to get up and around. She meets with her oncologist tomorrow and hopefully they can give her some answers.

I think he wants outside, what do you think?

Playing with his fridge toy

"I cant believe mom is letting me play with the phone, and sit on the counter"

My sick boy that was sleeping on the reclinerDaddy and Ray, like the droolRay wants to play with Gabrielle so bad, this picture was right after she "smacked" at himTrying to keep him occupied while we cooked, it worked!These 2 pictures are funny, Alvin gave Ray his cell phone them called it, the ring tone is a guy saying "hey your phone ringin, hey your phone ringin, hey your phone ringin, hey your phone ringin" by the time its done the guy is screaming (it obviosly is getting louder) Anyway Ray thought it was so funny, so I snapped these picturesHope all is well, bye for now.

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