Saturday, June 13, 2009


How do you make a 15 months old behave in public? Alvin took Ray and I out to dinner Friday night and we said we will never do it again!!! Ray was awful!!! He wouldn't sit in the high chair, so Alvin held him (I know that was our mistake) Then all he did was cry cause he wanted down. I mean he didn't just cryed...he CRYED!! Now, if we didn't think we were bothering and disturbing every one's dinner, we would have just let him cry (I think). Luckily we were at a restaurant that was very loud. We were those people that we used to feel sorry for! What happened to the days it was easy to take him to dinner. Now having said all this I really do think Ray is a pretty good kid. He just wanted to get down and play and he just didn't realize that that wasn't the time or the place to do it. But that leads me to my question, How do you teach that to a 15 month old? I realize its never to early to learn, but isn't there a way other than putting him in that high chair and letting him scream for a hour or so? I wrote Friday night off as "Ray won the battle" and I hate that! Any body got any suggestions, I'm open!
I think maybe "part" of his problem is he's cutting 2 molars! I looked in his mouth today and sure enough 2 big bulges, so maybe you will suggest not going to dinner when he's cutting teeth! I dont know but I know I have to get a handle on this cause before we know it he will be winning all the battle's and I will have one rotten kid on my hand!
Bye for now!!

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