Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Christmas is in 2 Days!!!

Well tomorrow is Christmas Eve, how exciting! I hope everyone is ready! We will be spending tomorrow night at my mother and father in-laws house (just 5 minutes away from home) then will come home and wait for SANTA to arrive! Alvin and I will cook Christmas dinner for us just spend a lazy day at home!

I got my stitches out yesterday, I took a few pictures,they didn't turn out that great but you can see a little, you can tell how long the incision is and kinda where the stitches were. (I hope I didn't make anyone faint) I have "stery strips" on them now (they keep falling off) I am supposed to keep those on until Thursday then use a "scar strip" at night for I don't know how long, something I need to ask next week when I have my next surgery. I am not suppose to do anything strenuous and not suppose to "soak" it (so still no dishes for me, Thank you Dr. Badman LOL) It gets sore at times, but nothing I cant deal with. I cant wait to do the other hand cause it is really bothering me.

I took Ray to the Dr. last week cause he has a rash on his back it was small little bumps all over his back and a few large patches and I just wanted it checked out, well she said it was eczema (that's what I figured but I don't have MD after my name and I'm not into self diagnosing) and to use a "heavy" lotion/cream 2 times a day and on the big rash spots use hydrocortisone cream 1% 2 times a day also, and she will check it at his 9 month check on the 5th (at that time he will be almost 10 months). It seems to be getting better. He never acted like it bothered him but it bothered me, it got so red during his baths.

But other than that his is doing great, he is eating everything we eat, anything we cook he eats (not the things he's not suppose to peanuts,eggs, etc) He has had Chinese food, McDonald's. We had our Christmas dinner with Grandma Jones (more on that in a minute) and we fixed Ray a plate, it is hard to remember to get things for him that we don't eat. Alvin's mom said "did you get him any sweet mashed potatoes?" Alvin and I don't eat them, so I just passed them up, she gave him some off her plate, I guess I need to start thinking about that kind of stuff.

We had a great time at Great Grandma Jones' get together, Ray got some "little people" and a bank that is a bear and his belly grows the more money you put in it and a ball. Alvin got a Colts sweatshirt and I got a picture frame, I LOVE it!!! I went the next day and had my favorite newborn picture blown up so I could put a picture in it. I took a picture of it so you all could see it. Look how sweet he is!

Messy Ray eating Chicken, Rice and Broccoli and Blowing raspberries.

He looks kinda sad in this picture, but he's notRay getting into something he's not suppose to.

Thats it for now, everyone have a happy and safe Christmas.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow they grow up so fast! enjoy all you can because it gose fast. I knew you would love the frame as soon as mom showed it to me. Hope you have a wonderful Christmas. Love you all Aunt Rachel