Friday, December 26, 2008


I hope everyone had a great and safe Christmas! We had a great Christmas, Ray got all kinds of stuff, I cant even tell you everything he got but his "big" present was from Grandpa & Grandma Jones it is the Smart Bounce & Spin Pony, here he is sitting on it, he is a little small for it but with Daddy's help he can do it.
He got lots of other stuff also, here are a few pictures,
He of course was more into eating the paper then opening the presents! After we opened gifts we just had a lazy day at home. Alvin and I cooked a meal, Turkey, Mashed Potatoes, Mac & Cheese, Stuffing, Rolls and for Ray we made him Sweet Mashed Potatoes we also got him Cranberry sauce for him to try, well all he ate was the Roll! Alvin and I had a great time also, watching Ray was alot of fun. I got the best gift of all, I got this letter and some tanning lotion, when Mom gave me the gift it got quite and everyone was looking at me, I said "who's this from"? and she said all of us, I thought seeing the lotion that they got me a tanning package or a massage, well I never expected to read this,

I cryed, I couldn't keep it a surprise I had to call and tell them. I think my mom and dad could use some cheering up right now, so I thought if they had something to look forward to it might just cheer them up! They haven't booked the dates yet because I need to find out whats going on with my hand surgery, so I will talk to the Dr. on Wednesday and then decide on the dates then. Can you believe it! Ray and I are going to Florida. Now I'm stressing about flying 2 hours with Ray by myself! I know I will do fine, but what if he wants to get down and crawl, what if he screams the whole way? So if anyone has any suggestions on flying with a 10 month old let me know!

I hope everyone had a great Christmas and I'll talk to you soon.

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