Saturday, December 27, 2008

Ray's Rash

Do you remember me posting about Ray's rash? Well Friday night we had him in the ER because it got so bad. We had noticed that Ray wasn't himself, we was very clingy and wasn't eating very well, we thought he was getting some more teeth. Well Alvin got home Friday night and looked at his back and it was awful and it was spreading to his chest! I said maybe we should take him to the ER. We called his mom and asked her to stop by to look at it and to get her opinion. It didn't really look like "hives" to me because I've had those many many times! She said she thought his eye's looked puffy and that she thought it might be a good idea to take him somewhere to have it looked at. If nothing else they would give Ray something to make him feel better and will rest our minds. We got to Hendricks County Hospital and waited maybe 10 minutes to go back. The Dr. came in and said that he is having allergic reaction to "something" but what is hard to say. They said it was something he was coming in contact with, not anything he was ingesting. So now Alvin and I have to figure out what!

These picture really don't do it justice, it was so awful looking! My poor baby! The Dr. gave him a Prescription for a liquid steroid and told us to give him benedlry, so hopefully he will be feeling better soon.

1 comment:

Dawn said...

OOOOOH, poor baby! I hope he gets better soon. LMK if you guys figure it out. I sure hope he's not allergic to Gymboree!