Friday, December 5, 2008

I'm still here!

It's been a little while since my last post and everything is going great! I am just trying to get things together before my surgery on Thursday. I finished Alvin's Christmas today and we are going to get everyone else done this weekend. I told Alvin that if we don't do it he will be stuck wrapping and he enjoys wrapping sooo much (LOL) and I enjoy wrapping so I want to do it!

We got all our Christmas stuff up. Ray got so excited when we plugged in the lights. He's been a good boy with it, he hasn't bothered it to much. I cant believe that I have a child now to enjoy all the magic with. I realize this year he really doesn't know whats going on, but he will one day (and as fast as they grow it will be very soon) I really want us to get a tradition going but I haven't figured out what yet.
Daddy brought Ray some balloons home from work and Ray loves them!! (I know some of you might say "He's to young for balloons") but we are right there with him and watching him. He loves to make them move and make noise.
Ray has also started walking behind a "walk behind" toy. He just smiles when he does it. I think he knows he's a BIG boy when he does. I will try and post a video soon.

I love this picture it looks like he's playing peek-a-boo with me.

Don't you just love this face? Alvin let him taste a pickle! We laughed. The things we do to our children!Everyday when I leave him at grandma's house, Ray and I will wave and tap our hand together though the glass door. He started doing this and I think it is so funny, of course I have to do it to him also.We gave him a pot to bang on with spoons, well Daddy thought it would be fun to put him in the pot and slide him around the floor. He fit pretty good and he just smiled while his Daddy slid him around the room.I had to post some bath tub pictures, I think Alvin did a great job getting the water to look so good.Look at that smile. Can you tell that I just think he's the greatest thing in the world? He is the love of my life (along with Alvin) and I cant imagine my life without either one of them! He was soooooo worth the wait!!!

Bye for now!

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